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Debris Suggests Russian Airliner Disintegrated While Aloft, Officials Say

If this turns out to be a bomb from ISIS we can expect Putin to begin a full assault on them in Syria and Iraq...doing the work Americans no longer do. ISIS fighters can expect to be treated pretty much as were the Somali pirates that hijacked a Russian ship...recidivism will equal zero ( 기타...

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I guess Boris Badanofsky is a little more interested in this incident than MH17.
"Vladimir Putin called for an objective investigation into the disaster. “Without any doubt everything should be done so that an objective picture of what happened is created, so that we know what happened,” he added. “This work should be continued until we are fully sure that this stage is complete,” he said". Must depend on whose citizens are falling from the sky!
Not good... Putin is going to be very pissed off.
bbabis 0
Its looking more and more like an old empennage repair that may or may not have been done or inspected properly finally failed after thousands of cycles. Unfortunately, airline pax, particularly foreign airline pax, really have no way of knowing if the carrier is looking out for them or $$$.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

'External Activity' Blamed for Egypt Crash

An ominous development in Saturday's crash of a Russian plane in Egypt: The airline says pilot error or technical problems could not have caused the crash of Kogalymavia Flight 9268, leaving unspecified "external activity" in the air as the only possible cause, reports the BBC, which notes that an ISIS affiliate is active in the area where the plane went down and that Moscow hasn't ruled out terrorism as a cause.


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