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Hourly operating costs of 45 jets compared

As a quick summary, the least expensive to operate is a Cirrus Vision SF50 jet at $661.53 per hour. The most expensive, as you might expect, is a private airliner. The Airbus ACJ320 ultra-long-range, large-cabin business jet comes in at $7,964.69 per hour, while the Boeing BBJ 2 ultra-long-range, large-cabin business aircraft comes in at $7,674.95. A BBJ 3 is less expensive at $7,396.29. ( 기타...

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I guess I will walk
it seems to me that it might be more instructive to tell us also how many a given jet will carry, or to give the fully burdened cost per mile or cost per passenger per mile.
Sure, a little plane is cheaper to operate, but it may only hold a small number of people. A larger plane may cost more overall, but will hold (potentially) many more.
jbqwik 2
Interesting, informative.


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