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CC-115 DHC-5 Buffalo Engine Start-Up and Takeoff

Here's the might CC-115 De Havilland Canada DHC-5 Buffalo 115457 of the Royal Canadian Air Force. The video features the engine startup, some impressive reverse thrust all the way onto the runway, and the take off. The Buffalo is one impressive turboprop aircraft, and I am really happy I got to film the start-up! This plane is flown by the Royal Canadian Air Force and operates search and rescue flights across the province of British Columbia and beyond. ( 기타...

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canuck44 3
The Buffalo is an old but highly functional aircraft that has impressive STOL capabilities. As flight surgeon at Shearwater in the early 70's I rode in the back on multiple medical evacuations around the Canadian Maritimes and Newfoundland. (They were not yellow then). A few of these were in adverse winter conditions on and off partially cleared runways. I remember one particular occasion in a blizzard at Bathurst, NB when the captain said "No big deal, this baby will lift off in the width of the runway." An exaggeration maybe but not by much as he proceeded to demonstrate. Full power on brakes into the wind, lots of vibration and roll out of only seconds before the wheels were off...I am sure the Air Force up front enjoy tightening the sphincters of the navy in the back.
I can certainly see the similarities between that a/c and the Dash 8... I was surprised to see so much flaps used for take off, seems like 1/2 of that would have been more then plenty.
canuck44 1
I suppose you are right if he planned to use more pavement...if the video is accurate time wise, this chap used only 11.5 seconds from beginning his roll to wheels off runway. Even more impressive when you experience it over snowdrifts from a runway cleared by a single pass from a plow. Notice he has no slats to help him he needed them.
Forgive a newby but how does this aircraft back up like that?
Reverse Pitch on the prop. Same thing as using reverse pitch to slow the plane on landing (IE Thrust Reverse)
Love to know the airfield? Amazing short take off, but pretty close hills.
canuck44 1
The airport is CZNL, Nelson, British Columbia in the Southern interior just North of the US border and East of Kelowna where all the major air traffic is scheduled.


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