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Lufthansa 455 diverted to Minneapolis

Lufthansa flight 455; an A380; KSFO to EDDF diverted to KMSP as of 2050 hours Central time for an unknown reason. ( 기타...

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I was on the DLH 455 flight that diverted to KMSP on the 29th of Dec. We were told the diversion was for an elderly woman who suffered a stroke. We vacated 30L and had to wait 5 min for a follow me vehicle to lead us onto Rwy 22 where we stopped and they brought in the ambulance, security and 4 other vehicles. After they finished, the follow me brought use to the “humphrey Remote Apron” (near the threshold of rwy 35) for re-fueling. After 2.25 tanker trucks, we finally was able to depart.
....we finally were able to depart.
Thanks mferrario! Luckily the cockpit crew did not exceed their duty time limits on this occasion, otherwise everyone on board would have been headed for hotel rooms in MSP. But given the time needed to add maybe thirty tons of replacement fuel before you could resume your trip, it must have been a close call! Thanks again for the info...
Thanks Bill...good information! Am sure glad I am NOT an A380 Captain faced with an inflight diversion decision (maybe a medical emergency?)The really tricky stuff would start after you have actually touched down...
Bet they don't get too many A380's into KMSP. It must have been fairly serious to warrant diverting into Minneapolis rather than (say) Chicago ORD, given the complications that a nearly 80 metre wingspan presents with ground handling at a field that is possibly not set up to handle an airplane bigger than a B744. Not sure...I do not have any data on KMSP. Just speculating...
Dubslow 1
KORD has no A380 ready gates, so it's not actually any better than KMSP
I was listening to the atc feed and they sent the A380 to terminal 2-the smaller terminal at MSP. I suppose due to the traffic volume at terminal 1.


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