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Allegiant flight makes stop in Fargo

This one doesn't make any sense. An Allegiant flight from Orlando to Appleton made an emergency landing in Fargo. Really out of the way. ( 기타...

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Here is the flight
Weather MVFR wind 260@5 cloud broken 2200 vis >=6mi light snow
conditions similar at both KFAR & KATW
If it was the deicing - it makes more sense to return to Louisville or Memphis instead of overflying. Typically KFAR is colder than KATW
Another source mentioning deicing and questions on whether an emergency was declared or not.
There seems to be more to the story than what has come out.
Seems to me that Allegiant is non-compliant with a lot of rules this past year. I noted this flight is normally an MD80 and that flight was an A320. First it was the late departure from LAS for FAR and declaring a fuel emergency with the airport already on restricted closure. That was an emergency, but with an Allegiant VP on board it suddenly wasn't. FAA needs to keep a closer eye on them before they do something really stupid.
I think it would have been a failure with an ANTI icing system in flight, if in an MD. Not de-icing...


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