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U.S. Pilots Forget How to Fly Manually, Says Department of Transportation

Don’t read this if you’re about to board an airplane. A new report by the Department of Transportation warns that U.S. pilot training no longer maintains their ability to fly commercial flights manually, because of the surfeit of autonomous technology inside the cockpit. ( 기타...

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DOT is manipulating their numbers again. True, new commercial airliners need little input from pilots except to program the computers correctly and Otto Pilot has become the crutch for all. I would hope DEs are holding pilots to a higher standard than just letting the plane do all the work. Sim checks at the airlines are all about numerous "failures" and include having to hand-fly the plane. Some require hand-flying to cruise altitude on takeoff and leaving cruise altitude for landing. Practice makes perfect, guys and gals. You never know when you will need to do it.


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