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Video: Steven Slater's Escape From JetBlue

Exclusive security video footage of the moment JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater activated the emergency slide and launched himself into notoriety. Keep your eyes on the front of the plane. Read about the Slater video here. ( 기타...

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dbaker 0
The "action" is somewhat blocked in the video, but still interesting to see.
dustoff03 0
What a prick. Popped the slide where there unsuspecting people working on the ramp. Some baggage handler needs to whoop his ass.
boughbw 0
Yes, I really love that with the video, "Popped the slide where unsuspecting people working on the ramp" is clearly displayed for us (you may need to enable the "sarcasm" feature on your browser) and not for a trained flight attendant opening the door, looking around, and then deploying the slide.

Kudos, and kudos again to Mr. Slater.
gftt 0
Tra la la la laa la la......
you too Brian?
boughbw 0
The problem with sarcasm is never knowing when enough is enough ;^D
I can't believe this guy has the balls to even think he'll be able to keep his job...
SimTech44 0
I hate to be the technical geek,butthat doesn'tlook like the right plane. This was a JetBlue aircraft, and they fly A320's right?????? Look at the winglets in the video, the winglets are too big for a Airbus. Go to and check out the JetBlue/A320 photos....the don't have the curved winglets, the cockpit windows look wrong too.........this looks like a E170/190. I know this shows the door opening and a E-chute deploy but the plane doesn't look right.
Yes, SimTech that is a jetBlue E190. They operate quite alot of them.
Slater may be fired by Jet Blue, but he fits the mold perfectly to be a flight attendent at United.
SimTech44 0
Yeah, I just found that bad. At first I could only find where they operate A320's on their site, but when I looked again I found them.........guess I should look a little closer next time
DAB757 0
Thats awesome, nothing like leavin the scene in style
Peter Wine 0
That was rather anti-climactic. I thought he bailed on the tarmac before they docked.


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