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Roush Blames Crash On Landing 'Conflict'

NASCAR racing legend Jack Roush appears to blame air traffic controllers working EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh for the events that led to the crash landing of his Beech Premier jet on July 27. "The reality of it -- on a trip arrival into Oshkosh, Wisc., I was put in conflict with the flight plan of another airplane close to the ground, and I was unable to address the conflict and keep the airplane flying. I ground-looped the airplane..." ( 기타...

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Hmmmm. Me no savy. Last time I checked it is the pilot at the controls, not the controller. Oh well, everybody screws the pooch on occasion, I just like the feeling that a pilot of all people will/can recognize a screw up and learn from it. Not the firsy guy to bend up some expensive metal.


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