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Flight Instructor Killed By Moving Propeller At Beverly Airport

Michael Costales, age 30, a flight instructor at Beverly Municipal Airport, was struck and killed by an aircraft moving propeller on Saturday. Costales had taxied his aircraft out to the run-up area of the active runway, 34 at Beverly Municipal Airport. ( 기타...

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My flight instructor always told me...any problems at all on the run up pad deserved a trip back to the starting point.Period.
my greatest fear when working the ramp, especially at night - everybody in and around propeller aircraft can never be too alert!
I wonder how many people per year are killed by props?

That's a pretty well written aviation article except I have no idea where Beverly is and 'brake' was mis-spelled.
Slymunk 0
As fixed wing pilots we don't really spend that much time on the outside of the aircraft while it is running. It is very possible that he just walked into the prop because he didn't see it. Something that helicopter pilots are very aware of. Passengers will walk right into the tail rotor because it isn't visible. Very, very sad. My thoughts are with his family.
MJM12588 0
Beverly is in Massachusetts.
MJM12588 0
Beverly is in Massachusetts.
I agree...we should all take something away from this. No matter how safe we think we are around an aircraft, we all need to think twice and stay alert.
I feel bad for the man and his family, but who gets out of a single pilot airplane and leaves the engine running?
Bad deal... very sad.
eagle5719 0
Simple rule: When you get out of an airplane - shut down the engine.


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