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Incident: British Airways B744 at Toronto and Montreal on Jun 22nd 2016, mass and balance problem

A British Airways Boeing 747-400, registration G-CIVJ performing flight BA-92 from Toronto,ON (Canada) to London Heathrow,EN (UK), was en route at FL350 about 110nm east-northeast of Montreal,QC (Canada) when the crew decided to turn around and divert to Montreal due to a cargo loading error. The aircraft landed safely on Montreal's runway 24R about 105 minutes after departure from Toronto and about 55 minutes after the decision to divert. A passenger reported cargo had been loaded into an… ( 기타...

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I think the front end advised the pax of an incorrect cargo loading and that is what the passenger reported. They would have to explain in plain english why they were diverting. Could be location of live cargo, incorrect position of pallett or DG, and/ or a combination of all.
So the pilot figured out in-flight that C5 was used to load cargo? The flight from Toronto to Mtl is a little less than 1hr so did he deduce this from the CG change or did the screens somehow log a loading at C5 and if so then why would you even takeoff?
More likey he was advised by company disatch.
sorry, meant dispatch!
makes more sense.
That passenger must be knowledgeable in the loading of cargo in order to notice that.
A passenger noticed they loaded it wrong??? uh?
I couldn't believe this too. Especially how the passenger found out that the cargo was not loaded properly.


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