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Qantas B744 over Pacific Ocean on Jun 21st 2016, smart phone erupts in fire

A Qantas Boeing 747-400, registration VH-OJS performing flight QF-11 from Sydney,NS (Australia) to Los Angeles,CA (USA), was enroute at FL340 over the Pacific Ocean near Kiribati Island (about N0 W162) about 6.5 hours into the flight when a passenger's smart phone, that had falled into the passenger seat's reclining mechanism, was crushed when the seat was moved. The battery of that crushed smartphone erupted in fire, which was extinguished by cabin crew. The aircraft continued to Los… ( 기타...

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"...that had falled into the passenger seat's reclining mechanism,..." That had falled? Who writes this stuff?
Yes I flew this big B744 from YBBN-KLAX VH-OJS QFA15 needs a wash and paint job but young aircraft works hard in the QFA fleet
Oh really!? I see.


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