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Multiple Delta Airlines Diverted to KFSD 30 June 2016

I couldn't help noticing the multiple Delta Airlines planes making an unexpected arrival to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, today while at work. Sioux Falls (KFSD) does not have direct flights to Phoenix, Portland, San Jose, Sacramento, or Salt Lake City. However, a flight from each listed airport arrived in FSD all around the same time. Here are the details: DAL1995 -- MD90 -- PHX->MSP (Diverted to KFSD) -- depart PHX @ 07:18 -- arrive FSD @ 12:01 DAL1745 -- MD90 -- SMF->MSP (Diverted… ( 기타...

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Delta Airlines operates to daily flights to Sioux Falls, one flight to MSP using a 717-200, and one flight to ATL also using a 717-200. Other airlines typically fly nothing larger than a A320 (United and Frontier both to Denver). I am unable to find any information about a Minneapolis Airport closure, and these flights were not met by authorities or medical units.

I have also noticed a couple of random Delta flights departing Sioux Falls for Minneapolis using larger aircraft, but I have never really looked into them. I have previously seen a 737-800 and last Friday I saw a 757-200. I will keep my eyes for open for more random Delta flights into Sioux Falls.
There was a series of storms going back all the way to KLAS yesterday.
Most likely just a string of weather diverts due to T-storms near MSP. I'd rather divert and wait it out on the ground than go in to holding in the air near convective storms.


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