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Youngest airline Pilot in England is just 18...

A teenager has become one of the UK's youngest ever airline pilots. Luke Elsworth, 19, was offered a job with easyJet after taking one of the fastest possible routes to becoming qualified. Now he's flying on routes from Gatwick Airport. He enrolled in the airline's pilot training programme at CTC Aviation in Southampton almost as soon as they would accept him - just nine days after turning 18. Mr Elsworth completed the course - which included six months on simulators and a stint… ( 기타...

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Not unusual to see a son or daughter follow in dad's footsteps. Growing up airplanes, picking up tremendous info along the way, then go to flight academy, pass the tests, now go and gain experience. I think it's terrific. The Boeing and the Bus are now all pretty easy to fly so go for it.
So what was the most challenging turbine airline (jet) to fly in you opinion. In the GA/corporate world it was,hands down, the early series Lear. Just curious.
You never answered my question HF. I wasn't a history major, but it is becoming more and more relevant!


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