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Aviation weather forecast is true and correct

Most people think that this aviation weather maps etc are not correct. Well they are. have a look Los Angeles, California, United States Los Angeles International Airport latitude: 33-56-17N, longitude: 118-23-20W, elevation: 38 m Current weather observation The report was made 14 minutes ago, at 08:53 UTCWind 8 kt from the West/Northwest with gusts up to 17 ktTemperature 18°CHumidity 77%Pressure 1016 hPaVisibility: 16.1 kmBroken clouds at a height of 1400 ft ( 기타...

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Those are observations. Unless someone is dry-labbing the data they are always correct. Forecasts are a bit different. LAX in July has pretty stable conditions so forecasts can be extended out a bit (in this case from 7/6 0 to 7/7 06.

Here is one where the forecast only goes 4 hours, conditions are probably less stable:
BOAC747 0
Agree it is correct and true to my knowledge it's the bnest aviation weather site i have seen


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