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British Airways Jet Completes 6,000 Mile ‘Flight to Nowhere’ from Heathrow after U-Turn Due to Minor Technical Fault

A British Airways jet flying from Heathrow to Tokyo was more than halfway to its destination when it turned around and flew back to London. Flight BA7 left the UK at noon on Thursday for Tokyo’s Narita airport, with passengers expecting to arrive 11 hours later. But as the Boeing 777 flew over northern Siberia, about 1,000 miles north of the city of Novosibirsk, it turned around and headed back to its starting point... ( 기타...

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And how much pressure does the assertion of those lawyer based (with the wonder of hindsight)issues put on the pilot in command of the actual flight?? He/She is the only person able to actually make these kind of real world decisions...If you have a different view, then i suggest that you never set foot onboard an airliner again...
Here is the Flight Track for BA 7


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