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Airbus beats Boeing on orders tally at Farnborough show

Airbus thumped rival Boeing to end the Farnborough Airshow with 279 orders and commitments worth $35 billion at list prices, but orders from both planemakers fell compared with the sister show in Paris last year. Airbus, which had been behind Boeing leading up to the show, reported firm new deals for 197 aircraft worth $26.8 billion, led by demand for the largest version of its single-aisle A320. ( 기타...

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canuck44 5
"Orders" is close to a meaningless number and only relates to a possible backlog of work to maintain the meaningful number "Deliveries". Airlines go out of business with orders on the books, orders are cancelled or delayed indefinitely or downsized and converted to different models.

This number is just advertising.
I see your point but airlines don"t go out of business ordering jets or aircraft unless they have the financial backing in place and newer aircraft today are on long term leasing arrangements until the airline decides to purchase them out right or lease to buy arrangements.
canuck44 1
You are partially correct, but maybe my wording was bad. Small start ups fail and most of them entered leasing agreements...those big companies have escape clauses with Boeing and Airbus and they are big enough to have clout.
The second "out of business" is the use of Chapter 11 which almost every US airline has used at one time or another, some resulting in "mergers", others like TWA and Eastern just died (liquidated) with American grabbing some pieces of the former from the court. Some have used it to cancel orders like Republic just did for its C-Series.
What rubbish they talk the final count has not being done as yet fairy tales they tell
Its just European/US rivalry - wonder if the UK will get back into the commercial aircraft business after Britex?
Pileits 0
Orders are rather meaningless, I agree
But the 380 can't even generate those!


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