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China Eastern A319 at Kangding on May 1st 2016, struck approach lights on final approach

A China Eastern Airbus A319-100, registration B-6430 performing flight MU-5443 from Chengdu to Kangding (China), was on final RNP approach to Kangding's runway 15 when the aircraft struck approach lights causing parts of the approach lights to penetrate the aircraft's right-hand horizontal stabilizer resulting in an additional hydraulic leak from the green hydraulic system. The aircraft went around and returned to Chengdu for a landing on runway 02R without further incident. A post… ( 기타...

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Dubslow 1
Holy shit, this was a near disaster, way worse than the incidents reported in the last week.

Seems for once that the Chinese government will be well justified for throwing the book at everyone involved, they made a massive series of errors that cannot be allowed.
Excuse me, watch your language sir, I don't like your attitude. But yes good point.


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