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US bans all flights from Turkey

Airline operations to, from and within Turkey came to a complete standstill Saturday after an attempted military coup that left the country in chaos. But the CEO of Turkish Airlines told ATW that his airline expected to operate about half of its Istanbul schedule Saturday. ( 기타...

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Duh. Should have banned it last week.
canuck44 3
This will not last long. First there are no US Airline flights into IST, but 12-14 daily flights on Turkish Airlines which will be necessary to get US citizens, tourists, residents and government dependents home. Air Canada has a single flight to YYZ and Turkish to YUL.
AAL had a b773 there a month back not sure if this was a charter or a normal stopover flight it went onto EGLL
canuck44 1
Today (7/18/16) the FAA said the ban would last into August, but left the door open to lifting it sooner. All other countries have lifted their bans now so Americans wanting to get home now will have to find their way via intermediate destinations.
Heard a Turkish flight call sign yesterday on Salt Lake center, but he might not originated from Turkey
hou1crj 1
Interesting how the FAA (US government) banned flights in and out of Turkey, from the US, which no US airlines flies directly to; however, when there was an epidemic in Africa, “Ebola” (forgot what country it was)… not so much.


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