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FAA Eases RVSM Application Process

The U.S. FAA enacted a rule yesterday that should ease the application process for operating in reduced vertical separation minimum (RVSM) airspace. The rule revises the agency’s requirements for an application by “eliminating the burden and expense of developing, processing and approving RVSM maintenance programs.” ( 기타...

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It's about time. The regulars on this site know my credentials and RVSM and its introduction and implementation has been the single most overplayed and onerous process in my career. The battle for the "manual" for 91, 135, GA has been a pain in the a&& for anyone buying, moving to a management program, or changing to a different certificate holder since its inception. Maybe they sense a regime change or are all retiring and no longer feel the need for the "job security", but it won't unburn the millions of gallons of JetA consumed by folks flying around at 280 or 290 because of a period or comma!


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