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After 50 Years, Boeing Plans to Terminate Its Masterpiece, the 747

As epoch-ending statements go, this one was stealthy and carefully modulated: “It is reasonably possible that we could decide to end production of the 747.” ( 기타...

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Spent most of my career flying the 747. 747-100/200/400 and 747SP. Was a check airman, APD and TCE giving type ratings on the 747-100/200/SP. Check Airman on -400. Love this airplane. Hope to keep flying her a little longer. Hopefully Boeing will change their mind.
You're killing me !
iflyfsx 1
More than 100 748s have been delivered, at $350 million each. But that's not good enough.

I know, the 777x doesn't even exist yet, and there are already 300 orders at $400 million each.

ADXbear 1
Terrible loss to aviation, we will soon be board to death with 737-whatevers....
Pileits -1
Already are as well as with those lousy airbus things.
You want to fly Embraer's instead?
I have heard this for a very long time and hate to hear it... They are in a class all there own and I think that they should keep it going...


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