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Planes of Fame Founder Edward T. Maloney Dies - Pioneer achieved his life mission of keeping vintage warbirds flying.

One of the pioneers of the preservation of vintage airplanes, Edward T. Maloney, has died at the age of 88. Maloney has been credited with saving more than 200 WWII warbirds from destruction. ( 기타...

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I learned to fly @ KCNO, & to this day I love to spend time there, I've crawled into the cockpit of the beautiful B-17 G, long before she was saved and imagined what the men that flew her must have felt. Great Life mission sir! proud you were on my home field, and grateful for what you accomplished over your life. RIP good and faithful servant... thank-you sir!

If your ever in the area, you've got to go to CNO
here's a link
Rest in peace, and may there be others with the same passion.


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