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First Battery-Powered Full-Size Helicopter Flight: Record five minute cruise flight to 400 feet altitude with a peak speed of 80 knots!

Tier 1 Engineering accomplishes historic battery-powered full-size helicopter flight at Los Alamitos Army Airfield Costa Mesa, CA, September 30, 2016: Tier 1 Engineering announced today that its battery-powered manned helicopter program achieved a successful first hover on Tuesday, September 13th, a first hover taxi on Wednesday, September 14th and a record five minute cruise flight to 400 feet altitude with a peak speed of 80 knots on Wednesday, September 21st. The helicopter was a modified… ( 기타...

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bbabis 1
Baby steps. I wonder what the useful load is after strapping on that battery pack. 20% drain in 5 minutes does not equate to very much range. It at least shows that it can be done. Battery technology is still the limiting factor in full electric vehicles of all types.


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