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Exclusive: Taking the Bombardier CS300 Transatlantic

Airways Contributing Editor Andreas Spaeth was on board the delivery flight of the first Bombardier CS300 from Montréal to Stockholm. ( 기타...

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Link doesn't seem to be working!
It did work for me yesterday, but doesn't work today. Strange.
Link doesn't seem to be working!
Même situation pour moi. à 14h54 le 02-12-16
Hier ça fonctionnait, mais pas aujourd'hui, étrange, n'est-ce pas?
“The subject is an oil leak in one of the PW15006 engines” wow … who picks up a brand new jet with an oil leak and then proceeds across the Atlantic? Air Baltic I guess
It will be used on short hop flights, so I guess they can add oil regularly. Kind of like my car in the early 1980's. I would put another quart of oil in the engine every 500 miles.


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