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United grounds all domestic flights for evening of 1/22/17

United Airlines grounded all domestic flights for the evening of 1/22/17 due to an unspecified IT error. ( 기타...

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how did politics get into this??
744pnf 2
Reading these comments...the preponderance are critical/ Wonder why?
Damn...hate to be in United's IT dept today!
I was on on the ground in Denver last night - and have been 3 United issues like this.
The first sign is the APP stops to update - then the APU starts :-)
FOS needs an update.
IT heads are rolling
s2v8377 -5
I'm surprised the "Clinton News Network" hasn't found a way to blame Trump for this, since according to them everything is his fault.

I can't wait to see how many thumbs down this "Proud Member of the Deplorable Belt" gets for my comment ; ) Maybe me record for saying Delta's a lousy airline will be beat???!!!
Compared side by side - Faux News is by far, more editorializing and opinionated then CNN will ever be.
REAL NEWS ala Walter Cronkite is dead
haha yes it always seems to be Trump's fault, doesn't it? :D

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Since you're talking about grammar, you might want to use a few periods in your own run-on sentence. And your last statement should read: "you are what we thought you were: deplorable."

I love when people get upset at other people for bad spelling and grammar and then they have their own problems with bad spelling and/or grammar! LOL
eshulze 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

United Airlines Domestic Flights Grounded-- Computer Outage

All of United Airlines' domestic flights were grounded Sunday night because of a computer outage.


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