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Why All Airliners Look the Same

Airport tarmacs of the 1970s and ’80s were home to a menagerie of airliners, from humpbacked 747s and needle-nosed Concordes to T-tailed MD-80s. Today, much of that variety has vanished. Almost all medium and large jetliners fit into the same pattern: two engines, straight-tube fuselage, and a conventional tail. Where has all the imagination gone? ( 기타...

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It's a simple matter of economics, the current shape is the most cost efficient and safest. Fashion is for more mundane things like women's clothing. Would you like Lou Gerhig to design your next aircraft?
What does Baseball great Lou Gerhig have to do with this now?
Sorry Tim, the Lou Gerhig I know of is a way out Architect who designs buildings that aren't functional, some look like half inflated paper bags that are about to collapse.
No offence implied to you Baseball hero, I'm from Down Under so what would I know about Baseball. I do however have several thousand flying hours and like the simple functionality of the current crop of passenger aircraft.
That makes more sense, thanks for the clarification on that.


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