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Tragic error led to California U-2 spy plane crash that killed Air Force pilot

An Air Force investigation into a U-2 spy plane crash near the Sutter Buttes in September 2016 revealed a tragic error when a pilot in his first flight in the famed spy plane throttled up too quickly in a training exercise on recovering from a midair stall. As a result of the fateful maneuver, the Air Force announced Wednesday, the aircraft went into an “unintentional secondary stall.” According to a detailed report on the incident, the U-2 suddenly rolled hard, banking to the left. Read more… ( 기타...

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If you want to read the report Stars and Stripes posted an article with a link to the report:
If the article is factual, what a tragic way to a silly secondary stall. I didn't see any altitude reference or whether they were practicing approach to stall or full stall recovery. I couldn't find any reference to stall warning indication in the flight manual.
It appears to have been the pilot's first flight. They were practicing 'approach to stall' at about 9000 ft. Here is the report


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