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Concerns rise that extended US laptop cabin ban will cause disaster

Would a universal cabin ban on your laptop or tablet on flights to the US change your decision to fly? ( 기타...

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I like the last paragraph:

At a political level, the challenge for safety authorities like CASA and the FAA, is whether or not safety first policies should be overridden by ignorance and cussedness. Do ‘we’ diminish the safety of our air travellers to satisfy the whims of stupid people?
Or as we are beginning to say South of the 49th parallel, "acting presidential".
We're getting good at it. Just got out of 8 years of playing presidential, what's a few months of acting?
Now we have Nazi terrorist for a president.
OK the cargo fires are carrying 1000's multiple electric car type large batteries and batteries for power tools etc. While I agree on cellphones off or flight mode during flight (signal boosting, tower hopping 200 phones plus) but normally its charging them that gets them really hot. So if the airlines are having a tanty about something that in 2016 about 39 billion commercial flights happened with cameras, laptops, cellphones, games, tablets etc. whats up.
This is all a plot hatched by computer and device makers to sell more product when travelers' electronics are stolen out of checked baggage.
dbkoob 0
This article is stupid there is no other option.


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