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Ambiguous instruction, pilots’ mistake behind Pearson near-miss

An air traffic controller’s ambiguous instruction and a flight crew’s mistake contributed to a near miss at Pearson International Airport involving two Air Canada jets. The nighttime incident in 2016 unfolded when the crew of a departing Air Canada Embraer 190 misunderstood a controller’s instruction and taxied onto a runway for take-off — into the path of another Air Canada jet that was just 30 seconds from landing on the same runway. ( 기타...

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Nothing ambiguous about it. " go to the right side" sounds nothing like cleared to position on a runway or cleared for takeoff on a particular runway! If you are still on the ground frequency then you know something is wrong and even if you were cleared across one runway to get to a parallel runway, You would have been "cleared across" and given that, who the hell was looking out the window? At less than 300m, those landing lights would have been pretty bright, unlike the two pilots in the EMB?
For the record, CYYZ has some of the best controllers in the world!
Near miss??? Still don't get that one. How about "Near Collision"?


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