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Delta Air Lines Defends Staff, Cabin Crew Against Twitter Tirade by Right Wing Commentator, Ann Coulter

Delta said they were "disappointed that the customer has chosen to publicly attack our employees and other customers by posting derogatory and slanderous comments" ( 기타...

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This is a daily (hourly?) occurance. When airlines charge extra for a service they need to deliver or pax are not going to take it well. All these extra fees add big to the revenue stream but over promising and under delivering won't cut it, especially with very vocal types.
You guys at DAL just managed to piss off the wrong person, again. Takes no brains I guess to be a gate agent with an agenda these days. Guess they thought it would be funny. Someone needs re-education in customer service.
Fly SWA and pay $15 to get on first and you get your choice of seats or ante up and pay to sit up front on DAL.
She paid an extra $30 for the seat selection and was deprived of it by the cabin crew who moved her to accommodate seating requests by other passengers who boarded after she did.
pirahna432 -2
Right wing snowflake


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