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Watch: Hero pilot lands plane full of tourists ‘blind’ after hailstones crack windscreen and ‘severely’ damage jet

Amazing footage shows how the pilot’s brave actions saved the lives of those on board as he brings the Airbus A320 safely into land A hero pilot has landed a plane full of 127 tourists “blind” after giant hailstones severely damaged the plane’s nose and cockpit cracking the aircraft’s windscreen. Amazing footage shows how the pilot’s brave actions saved the lives of those on board as he brings the Airbus A320 safely into land at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport . ( 기타...

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Think what a "hero" the pilot could have been to the maintenance department if he/she had used the weather radar to avoid the thunderstorm.
Yep, that must have lit up the w/x radar like a Xmas tree assuming it was set up correctly. I am guessing he departed into the storm rather than wait it out since the airport was closed for the storm shortly afterwards.
From the article: "Our locator did not show this weather disaster, this is why it happened."
The plane is capable of auto-land. Whether the runway, pilot, airline SOP and restrictions permitted it is a different story. But considering the circumstances...
Airbus A320 has an auto land function off the ILS.
deafsea 0
Everyone! Once the pilots are "blinded" then how can they land without an issue? Guide by another plane on their side?
With a functioning autopilot, certification and runway requirements met, it's quite easy. It's taxiing afterwards with your head out the foul weather window that's a little difficult!
Instrument Landing System (ILS) played a large role, I'm sure.


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