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Qantas axed Dubai hub, returns to Singapore with A380 flights

Qantas will reinstate Singapore as the hub for its European flights, restarting SYD-SIN-LHR A380 flights from March and axing all flights to the Dubai hub of partner Emirates. ( 기타...

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Great news prefer singapore any time
Hooray, at last!! Hated Dubai so I have been travelling Singapore Air. Now if Qantas drops prices, that would be awesome!
Good, Singapore any time
About time hated going through Dubai
Thank God that crazy Irishman saw sense I have been complaining at every opportunity that there was a Qantas presence at travel shows etc
Had to fly Singapore or Cathay ever since they changed the routes and welcome Qantas decision to return via Singapore flights I just hope it includes Frankfurt as well because via London is an expensive side trip to and from Europe and make Singapore and Cathay a better option again
Fabulous news, never liked Dubai.


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