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Boeing ad campaign targeting Canadians prompts social media backlash

Some complaints posted by Canadians on Facebook and Twitter include demands for Boeing to stop running the ads. ( 기타...

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the wisdom of this entire boeing nonsense with bombardier eludes me, and I see no good reason to have begun it and none for continuing it.Bombardier was never going to evaporate, and besides, they have several substantial assets that some competitor of boeing would have grabbed up and ran with it. And someone did, and this Canadian company still has life and purpose. At the end of all this, I don't see boeing better off or looking smarter.
You can find the garbage at It looks like an item assembled by a bunch of chimps.
The real loser here is the Canadian taxpayer. After enormous Canadian government subsidies to Bombardier to support CS development, Bombardier turns on them and sells a majority stake in the aircraft to a foreign competitor. Where is the outrage?
The terms and conditions of the sale don't support your conclusion.


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