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FAA Authorized drone identification and tracking report released

The FAA on Dec. 19 published a much-anticipated report from the aviation rulemaking committee formed to study and recommend a systematic approach to identifying drones in flight, enabling law enforcement, air traffic control, and security authorities to instantly identify the owner of the drone. ( 기타...

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So long as drones share the airspace (albeit under 400 feet), it should be accountable so far as identity.
Ideas are great, but who will "enforce" and prosecute? Your local law enforcement cannot afford the needed technology and manpower. Are the feds prepared to spend a huge amount of money to go along with new regulations? I wonder.
Enforcement is going to open a real can of worms, as it always does when federal statutes and local law enforcement are put together and "jurisdiction" rears its ugly head. Some states and cities might find themselves faced with not wanting to have to enforce immigration statutes, but wanting to enforce whatever federal rules result from this report. Enforcing one and not the other might weaken their argument for non-enforcement. Are there going to be "drone sanctuary cities" somewhere?


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