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Gulfstream Introduces the All-New Gulfstream G650

The G650 offers the longest range, fastest speed, largest cabin and the most-advanced cockpit in the Gulfstream fleet. It is capable of traveling 7,000 nautical miles at 0.85 Mach or 5,000 nautical miles at 0.90 Mach. Using an advanced aerodynamic design, the G650 has a maximum operating speed of 0.925 Mach, which will make it the fastest civil aircraft flying. It can climb to a maximum altitude of 51,000 feet, allowing it to avoid airline-traffic congestion and adverse weather. ( 기타...

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dbaker 0
Here's a [ picture of the G650].

Are we going to write "G-VI" or "G6" ?
Cabin Altitude of 2800' at FL410 ... Mach .9 fast cruise ... Gulfstream continue tradition of leadership!!
Just ONCE, I would like to call in "Oakland Center, Gulfstream eight two niner sierra bravo, level five one zero, mostly smooth". No need to ask for ride reports, you ARE the ride report!
dbaker 0
@Mohammed658, I hadn't noticed the cabin altitude. Arrive refreshed!
nkitchen 0
G6 is a very nice ring to it! :)

New blog.. check it out


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