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This wasn't the first time a Southwest jet lost a fan blade in its engine

Investigators don't yet know what caused the engine failure that forced Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 to an emergency landing in Philadelphia on Tuesday, but it has similarities to an incident with the same airline in 2016. ( 기타...

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At which time SWA told investigators it would take up to a year to examine their whole fleet.
All of the aircraft in their fleet when that happened are equipped with the CFM56-7B engine. That means they would have had to inspect something like 600+ aircraft (there are currently 720 in their fleet, but that includes some new -800s and the Max 8). Unless they wanted to ground essentially their entire fleet to inspect them quicker, it would have been at least a year, probably longer than that to inspect them all.
Does anyone realize the fact that this carrier SWA buy's second hand re con engines out of Victorville from other 737's retired or scrapped very cheaply?. Maybe if they uncover this it would send the airline red faced and speechless.
Do you realize that those engines still meet FAA specifications, and are refurbished and inspected before being returned to service? There's nothing that would leave them "red faced and speechless" about using aftermarket parts. Just about all the airlines do it.


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