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United Airlines flight from Los Angeles makes emergency landing in Sydney because of low fuel

A United Airlines flight from Los Angeles has made an emergency landing at Sydney Airport after a mayday call from the pilot. A full emergency response was activated at the airport after a pilot reported a problem 30 minutes before it was due to land, New South Wales Police said in a statement. Police were notified of the incident just after 6am on Thursday. ( 기타...

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Cansojr 2
How and why must be determined who is at fault or it's leaky fuel tank. Air Canada had the Gimli Glider experience in one of the first Boeing 767s.
true, air canada did have a 767 turn into a glider, but that was due to a question of litres being counted as equivalent gallons, and the mechanical measurement of the fuel tanks using sticks of wood. And the blind luck of the co-pilot being an experienced glider pilot and the fact he had flown in and out of the very airport that was used to safely end the powerless flight. The dispatchers on this united flight have a lot of 'splanning to do here
Poor fuel management -
Not good for a big airline


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