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US Marshals Service needs a Boeing 737 aircraft

The U.S. Marshals Service, Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS), Las Vegas, Nevada., operational site, is seeking information from responsible sources and commercial agencies concerning the "Lease with the Option to Purchase" of one large transport category turbine powered aircraft to fulfill its unique mission objectives. ( 기타...

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Cansojr 1
Would it not be more prudent to purchase a newer model with greater capacity while enhancing security should the need arise.
canuck44 1
Maybe they should be looking at wet leasing the parked Singapore A-380s to ferry the "caravans" back to Central America on behalf of Homeland Security. With no luggage there shouldn't be a weight problem allowing 800 per trip making short work of the 14,000 rumored numbers.
Don't think there are any airports in Central or South America that can handle a 380. SFO has one gate that can handle a 380, and the plane still has to be tugged in. Pretty much any commercial airport in the world can handle a 737.


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