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Boeing CEO addresses flight system update after criticism from pilots

Boeing executives have sought to assuage concerns of pilot groups and customers in the weeks since a new Boeing 737 Max 8 crashed off the coast of Indonesia, even as an investigation into the cause of the crash remains inconclusive. ( 기타...

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Greg77FA 4
Sorry, I'm not buying it Muilenburg. I have been behind Boeing 100% all my life, but this appears to be very serious issue which you have not addressed. I don't care about the history of the 737; I care about this particular model the Max. Own up to flawed approach and your integrity will carry the organization forward. I have no intention of flying on a Max - period.
bbabis 1
It appears this safety feature of the 737 Max 8 has killed 189 people so far. Alternate law has killed hundreds more. WE are way past the law of diminishing returns on safety features to the point it is going the other way. It's time to either build planes that fly themselves or build planes that take trained pilots to fly. This period of planes and pilots fighting each other for control is absolute nonsense. More than half my training anymore is learning what to do when various automation fails. If it wasn't there in the first place, I could not have the associated abnormals.


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