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For the 13 200 21st time French Air Traffic Controllers go on strike

For the thirteen thousand, two hundred and twenty first time French Air Traffic Controllers are downing pens and heading home early on the night of May 8th, where many of them will stay until May 10th. If you also have the option of staying home during this period, take it. ( 기타...

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Cansojr 3
The Unions in France pull out their strike card whenever vacation approaches. By striking at this time they believe they can force the Department of Labour in the rise in tourist travel. Unfortunately the government will force them back because this is a service that is too important to fail. This can ultimately impact the French economy. This is one strike that impairs the economy of France. Besides, the French ATC has over handed their play. Enough is enough. Fire all of them after you have professionals to take on their tasks. Reagan did it and it worked. I would encourage the new hires into
vying for full time jobs. I hope the French ATC get the message.
srory, meant to type: 13, 2021 _ but I made my point!
Cansojr 2
This is not unusual given the tendency to walk-out. Friday's in Paris are usually some sort of labour complaints. Their are more unions per-capita when compared with the other European Union. That will get worse when Britain finally exits the EU. The wealthier members are tired of bailing out Europe's weak sisters. It is possible that this entity will collapse. If the ATC, Trains, Postal service, resort hotels...The list goes on but you see my point.


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