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Canada, Europe to choose when 737 MAX is safe as regulators meet

In a potential challenge to U.S.-led efforts to build consensus on the Boeing Co 737 MAX flying again, Canada and Europe said on Wednesday they would bring back the grounded aircraft on their own terms if their specific concerns are not addressed. Global regulators will meet in Fort Worth, Texas, on Thursday where the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration hopes to reach an international consensus on how to move forward with the MAX, U.S. officials told Reuters. The plane was grounded worldwide in… ( 기타...

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Cansojr 1
CANADA and EUROPEAN aviation regulators have decided when the MAX will be allowed in fly in their airspace. They are tired of bumpf that is published in an endless supply about the safety factors of this aircraft. Boeing has done nothing but smear any other investigations. It's time to take a look at this mess by the regulation agencies and finally corrected with an honest answers. Boeing shot itself in the rear by rushing an incomplete aircraft into service was simply criminal. CANADA will not tolerate BOEINGS mis-statements and lies. That agenda is finished. We want real answers and no more of BOEINGS BLUSTER.


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