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Garuda closes routes, reduces flight frequencies in response to new airfare policy

Flag carrier Garuda Indonesia plans to close a number of routes and reduce the flight frequencies to less lucrative destinations to cut losses after the government lowered the price ceiling by 12 to 16 percent on the highest ticket prices for economic class tickets for domestic flights. Garuda Indonesia commerce director Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah said recently that the fuel cost for flights to remote areas, which had low occupancy rates, was about 80 percent higher than flights to lucrative areas.… ( 기타...

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jptq63 1
Seems like these numbers do not make sense; admit I may be missing something here...
" This year, Garuda Indonesia targets to collect $5.81 million in revenue, or 33 percent year-on-year growth, and $13.88 million in net profit, or 176 percent yoy growth. (bbn)"


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