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Trans States Holdings drops its order for 50 Spacejet M90

Trans States Holdings (TSH), the parent company of three US regional airlines dropped an order for 50 SpaceJet M90 with 50 options placed in October 2009. According to the statement made by Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. about the subject, Trans States Holdings has taken this decision since the 90-seat regional jet doesn't meet US scope clause restrictions, which limits the size of planes that can be operated on regional routes. However, the Japanese manufacturer said further discussions with… ( 기타...

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This Article is 100% incorrect and the title is misleading. The company (Mitsubishi) changed the name of the M70 to the SpaceJet 100 (ReBranded). The company found out that even though the original contract had provisions to go from the M90 to the M70 that it would transfer and it did not. Mitsubishi said it was not and canceled the order and stated that they could not guarantee that they would be the first

In the short of it, Mitsubishi Canceled the order and didn't tell anyone when they changed the name of the plane.. It was not TSH that initiated all of this... TSH Wanted those planes and there was a Contract that Mitsubishi broke, not the other way around.


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