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Air Peace Chairman Charged For Money Laundering

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has charged Allen Onyema, the Chairman and Founder of Nigerian carrier, Air Peace, with bank fraud and money laundering. According to the DOJ, Onyema has moved of more than $20 million from various foreign accounts through American bank accounts to pay for living expenses, luxury cars, and other high-priced goods. Onyema, 56, had moved the money using different organizations that were founded in Nigeria. U.S. Attorney Byung J. “BJay” Pak has said that “Onyema… ( 기타...

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What is wrong with these people? SO greedy for money it's scary.. This happened so many times already this month/year.
And, what about the US banks that benefitted?
What is happening? All of these corrupt airline execs???
jhakunti 3
Shame, shame, shame. Seize all his assets, and throw him in prison for life.
I think I got an email from him once...


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