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Bombardier to begin building Globals at Toronto Pearson in 2023

Bombardier expects to begin producing Global business jets at a newly-constructed Toronto Pearson airport site in 2023, part of a plan to move Global production out of the current Toronto Downsview site. ( 기타...

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I'm happy to see it remain in the Toronto area (although with this move the city of Toronto loses its largest manufacturing employer) - Next we have to see where DeHavilland Canada is going to move - they cannot stay at Downsview much longer either.
I can not find exactly where on Pearson Airport they are going to build this new facility. My speculation is it will be on the original AVRO property at the North East corner of the property. From Wiki: After the cancellation of the Avro Arrow program in 1959, the plant was operated by de Havilland Canada (1962), Douglas Aircraft (1965) McDonnell Douglas Canada (1981), and Boeing Canada (1997) before being demolished in 2005.
biz jets 1
It will be located in the Vacant land just West of the Federal Express facilities - West side of Bramalea Road - and boardering Juliet taxiway.
Thank you for the location. That will rely screw up the traffic on Derry Road at shift change. I had to go into Downsveiw once at shift change, and they were driving away from the plant three wide on the two lane street, and I was going the other way and I had to pull out of the way for them.
biz jets 1
At 1:42 in the video the person is doing something very dangerous, has a wrench on a nose wheel bolt that looks like it is inflated, that is asking for serious injury if the wheel fails when a bolt is removed.
cuing up track #3 from 'Moving Pictures' album by Rush. -.-- -.-- --..
Good for Bombardier for the production facility upgrade. Was Downsview facility part of the selloff and rebirth of the Canadair brand? (its own great return after a few decades)
deHavilland Canada is what I meant to type, not Canadair. Whoops.


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