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Help Us Save a Fokker F-28-1000 from Demolition

The Time Air Historical Society (TAHS) is urgently trying to raise enough funds to save one of the last salvageable for display F-28-1000 aircraft from being scrapped. The aircraft would be restored to display status and form a cornerstone of the Time Air Historical Society Museum in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. ( 기타...

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There’s a pile of discarded F28s littering Saskatoon Airport... take your pick
Exactly what we are doing. It was like pulling teeth to get the Argentinian-based disposal company to release one.
And the F28 was big in -Australian airline history as we as the F27. And the F100 still operates in Australia.
If this campaign goes well, we are looking at adding a Fairchild-built F-27. Time Air flew both types, and we would likely have the only display of BOTH.
...and should be noted that Time Air dba Canadi>n Regional did purchase a few of the Australian frames.
This is a bit of dutch history. Is there anybody out there reading this, who's employed by KLM?
If they could be so kind to ask the marketing department if they would be willing to sponsor this project? After all, NLM Cityhopper used to fly these.
Thanks Andre! There is also Irish heritage in the F-28. SHORTS built F-28 wings, while FOKKER built SD3-30 and SD3-60 wings! Time Air flew all 3, and we will have one of the SD3-30's on display. In fact, Time Air was WORLD launch airline for the SD3-30. We will have #7 off the line, which was the #3 production model.
What about MSN 11084 sitting at the YYC bomber base? Last operated by Canadian North (C-FTAY) and then sold to a british outfit for partout. No powerplants or APU but I'd bet the current owner would be willing to donate the airframe if you offered to move it.
It would be an alternative.
Now at $7650, with one week to go. Wew're getting close, but still need that extra push to the goal line. Please support, if you can.


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