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Report: We Know What Brought Down A Japanese F-35 During A Training Exercise

Discussion / some details of the official report that concludes -- that the pilot became spatially disoriented and was probably unaware that he was that close to the ground. --- Happen in Spring 2019 east / NE Japan. -- From: ( 기타...

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I’m guessing the altimeter rapidly winding down was of no concern as he flew the aircraft into the water. Isn’t this what simulators are for, to teach these folks how to fly these new ac before getting into one? And the cost if those special helmets that do everything except, well, fly the plane!
jptq63 1
My take on this, beside the training, is that even among some of the best pilots, disorientation may happen and one does need to trust your instruments.
True enough but interesting to note that the old F16 had a safety system that saved a young student as he dove for the ground in full burner which levelled him out automatically, if memory serves me well?
It does. Different manufacturer, and this hermaphrodite is not as good as the old one.

"F-35 development started in 1992 with the origins of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program and was to culminate in full production by 2018.[26] The X-35 first flew on 24 October 2000 and the F-35A on 15 December 2006". WIKI.

If it takes that long to develop and introduce to service, everyone knew what it would do 10 years ago and should know how to fly one from a MS. app. Cheers.


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