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Gilpin County Residents Say FAA Is ‘Throwing Them Under The Bus’ With New Flight Pattern

A plan to alter flight paths in and out of Denver is about to go into effect on March 26, despite the concerns of some Coloradans. It’s called the Denver Metroplex Project, and the FAA hopes it will decrease flight delays at Denver International Airport. ( 기타...

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wx1996 4
This is crazy, I think they just want money. They are not close to the airport. Delivery trucks on their local roads are making more noise than a plane flying over their county. Their Casinos in Black make more noise than a departing aircraft. I am closer to the airport than they are and I never hear any planes inside my home but I hear trucks and other noises all the time.
I remember when the new airport was constructed in Denver. It was very far out of town so as to not impact local residents. Next thing you knew, neighborhoods were springing up all around the new airport and residents were complaining about noise. I realize the folks here are not right next door, but people will continue to complain no matter where the planes go...
What? They are 40+ miles away @ 9000'. Most departing aircraft are already above 240. Looks like a money grab....


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