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Lufthansa to decommission the entire Airbus A340-600 fleet, possibly permanently

Lufthansa plans to transfer the entire A340-600 fleet, equaling 17 aircraft, to Teruel where they will be decommissioned over the next 2-3 months. These aircraft will not be operating within of the regular scheduled services for at least the next one to one and a half years. ( 기타...

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It is sad to see these A340’s retired. They are nice looking aircraft.
I flew with this Aircraft first Class from Vancouver to Frankfurt, what a treat, beautiful
My trip on one last month got cancelled due to coronavirus -- now it looks like I'll never get a chance to experience the downstairs lavatories!
Viv Pike 0
Robert - all the lavatories on an A340 are downstairs. There is no upstairs.
Of course there's no "upstairs" on an A340 in the way that there is on an A380 or a B747--I know that. But the LH A346s uniquely have a stairway to below the main deck--i.e. what's usually part of the cargo hold--where several lavatories are located. (There are plenty of YouTube videos which show them, and the cabin layout on SeatGuru shows them too.)


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