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Boeing Scraps $4.2 Billion Embraer Deal as Market Shrinks

Boeing Co. is walking away from its proposed $4.2 billion combination with Embraer SA’s commercial-aircraft business, ending years of talks, as the planemakers brace for a far smaller jetliner market after the coronavirus pandemic. ( 기타...

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Brasilian govt was right to object to the sale, but pushed thru by pols
Hi Ed,

Cliff-notes version:

Boeing was planning on paying over $4B in the deal and Embraer will seek damages from them for the $100M termination penalty. Big Deal ended indeed. Too bad.
ed lang 1
Thank you!
Chris B 1
The longer deals take to close the higher the probably of failure. This one had been going on for two years
How many times are we going to post this?
ed lang 1
Article is only visible with a Bloomberg subscription
A three second non-G search found another article
The same info was also squawked twice before. It's not exactly breaking news.


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