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Ryanair's O'Leary slams 'state aid junkies Lufthansa and Air France'

Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary has told the EU's transport chief to do something about flight refunds instead of "talking nonsense" about state aid. O'Leary's ire stems from Brussels relaxing the rules amid the lockdown and allowing the likes of France to bail out airlines with which it has strong historic links. ( 기타...

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O'Leary is just sore he didn't get in on some of that "free" taxpayer money.
cowboybob -2
welcome to the EU my friend...your un-elected commissars will pick the winners and losers to further the "states" control and prominence...your competitive status matters not one wit to them.
Un-elected?? Elections for MEP's to the European Parliament take place every five years, with more than 400 million people eligible to vote. Hardy unelected then!
the EU Parliament has throughout its expensive existence never once objected to or amended any legislation from the UNELECTED EU COMMISSION The MEPs are just sticking their noses in the trough emulating the commission
Greg S -2
He has a good point, as he often does. Yes, these airlines may need assistance, but also yes, Germany and France will give their pet airlines much more than they need to tip the competitive balance in their favor.
The actual details and conditions of the aid for KLM/Air France group are not even finished so all of this is wildly speculative. At the moment all the government has paid is on average 60% of staff salary since 15 march. Which is only a fraction of the expenses.


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